Friday, October 7, 2011
12 hour in NY: Aug'11
"I arrived in New York on Sunday noon. The immigration officer there was very nice. He knew that I had to continue my flight to Boston on the afternoon, so he reminded me to pick up my luggage first and explained how to get to domestic terminal. This is my first time to US and I always thought (and most of my friends as well) that US immigration is quite 'mean' to Indonesian passport holders hehhehehehe. But that thought had changed since I found so far that all the officers at the airport are helpful as long as you're cooperative of course :)
After I checked in my luggage for a flight to Boston with AA, I had a lunch. Later, I found out that AA canceled all flights to Boston that afternoon. The AA customer service suggested me to reschedule the flight to tomorrow. I gave her my blank look and said: "This is my first time in US and I had no plan to stay in NY. I only have my friend in Boston who is going to pick me up in Boston". And she's surprise..then she rescheduled my flight to another flight but from LaGuardia airport.
I took a bus to LaGuardia ..and's LaGuardia. It turned out that all flights to Boston by AA were canceled due to the weather (I already called my friend who lives in Manhattan in case I need a place to stay the night in NY). The AA customer service was very panicked to see the Boston flight schedule. I said to her: inhale...exhale...take a deep breadth..relax mam :) huahahhaha I'm the one who's supposed to be panic that time.
I was kinda upset at first. But who can blame the weather? After all, I was too tired to get upset in a long time :) She became more relax then (a lot of people still in the line wanted to ask about their canceled flights). She changed my flight to US Airways and told me the direction to go to US Airways departure lounge. It's on the other side of the airport. She spoke veryyy fast and I just said: what??? She repeated it. The point is: downstairs, take a bus, terminal B. And I asked again: which way is the downstairs? huahahhaha she's out from her counter and pointed me the way. Don't worry, she's still smiling. Maybe she thought: crazy Asian!
I's 17.00 and the flight was 18.00. Well..finally I was in US Airways to Boston at 22.10 :) the weatherrrrrr!!!! When the pilot said: prepare for the turbulence ahead....I successfully fell asleep :)
I met a lot of interesting people along the way.
- There's a British thought me coming from Tunisia..when I said I am from Indonesia. Jeezzz...Indonesia not Tunisia (I already mentioned Bali and near Singapore).
- While I was waiting for the flight, there were two women entrusted me with their bags when they're going to toilet or buying food. I was surprised Erica...there's no way in Indonesia someone will entrust their bags to a stranger (or I looked like someone who opens a daycare bag? hehehhe)
Along the way from JFK to LaGuardia...I see it just like Jakarta...severe traffic jam. I haven't visited other parts of NY. Here, there's a lot you have to do by yourself: self check in at the domestic terminal, put your food trash by yourself, swipe your debit/credit card by yourself, etc.
The heat's hot here. Ok without the humidity..but it's hot. It's kinda ridiculous when someone from tropical country complained about the heat huehhehehehe I realized that most of my time in Jakarta is spent in air-conditioned room. But the parks in Boston are beautiful. It'll be very cold here in winter.
I thought that's the story for now. I have to go the laundry...(another thing you have to do by yourself) :) It's great."
Hence, no Indonesia's travel stories until next year...
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Mount Rinjani in Lombok: Jul'11
It's time to go for hiking. Ang registered us at the national park office before we went to hike Mount Rinjani by paying some paltry of Rupiahs as the registration fee. There were 9 of us, 5 porters, and Ang & Fifi as our guides. Some of us should unpacked and left our belongings in Sembalun. For example, Yadhi must left his snorkeling gears in the village. It must be hilarious to see the porters' looks when they found out someone packed snorkeling gears to hike a mountain. Yadhi was going to use it at Segara Anak Lake on Mount Rinjani, while the other visitors usually go fishing there. He's actually going to snorkel in Sumbawa, his next destination after Lombok.
There are four base camps on the way to the summit. The last base camp, known as Plawangan Sembalun located at 2600-something meter above the sea level, is the place where most hikers build the tent. The track to the first base is still mild. It's a hilly savanna where you can see the shadow of the clouds on the ground. We called it Teletubbies hills. It is based on a TV-show for babies that has three or four characters who like to play on a hill hugging, dancing, and singing. We could still do singing on the hill. But unlike the characters in Teletubbies, it's quite difficult for us to do hugging and dancing along the way. It's a hill with increasing slopes. There are series of hills in front of us, meanwhile cities of Lombok are on our back.
Then, we're heading to the first base camp. It is still located around the hilly savanna. Nevertheless, it doesn't look like a base camp. I imagined a base camp is a place where you can find some food stalls :) I arrived there with Lucky, Herry, Ferry and Fifi. While waiting for the other, we watched a bird do a hunt. The bird was flying in one point on the air while closely looked its prey on the ground. I didn't see its next step when the bird took the prey as I was busy looking for my prey as well inside my backpack: some chocolate bars. When Berti, Ahau, Rudy, Yadhi and Ang arrived, we continued our journey to the second base camp where we'll have our lunch.
The porters had arrived at second base camp before us to prepare the lunch. There were around four other groups having lunch on the base camp which actually is a bridge. Rudy, Yadhi, Ahau, Berti and Lucky took a nap on the bridge while waiting for the lunch prepared.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Pantai Seger & Tanjung An in Lombok: Jul' 2011
I’ve always wanted to go to Mount Rinjani with its Segara Anak Lake since several years ago. But, it’s a real mountain with the height of 2,736 above the sea level that you can only reach by hiking (some people can go there by helicopter, but it’ll be very expensive). I never hike a mountain with that kind of track. Fortunately, some of my friends were going to hike Mount Rinjani: Berti, Ahau, Yadhi, Lucky, Yana, Ferry and Herry with Mo, Ang, and Fifi from as our guide during the trip.
Day 1
Indi picked us up at Selaparang Airport to have a breakfast in a restaurant and a lunch at her house in Praya before going to the beach. Yes, it’s a hiking trip to Mount Rinjani with the beaches as the side trip. We went to Seger Beach and Tanjung An. I’ve been to this area before, but only visited Kuta Beach. Unlike the beach in Gili Trawangan, the beaches on the south part of Lombok seem deserted. Not many people here as it is quite secluded. Still, there are still some aggressive hawkers in the area. The hawkers in Kuta beach are worst compared to Seger Beach and Tanjung An. Luckily, there were only a child trying to sell a coconut to me at Seger Beach and there was none approaching me at Tanjung An.
It’s a perfect beach to do sunbath, as a place to read all of your unread books, to watch the clear blue sky and ocean, and to be photographed. For us, it is a great beach to be photographed especially with the fishermen took advantage of the low tide on the beach. Rudy, Yana and me explored the reef abandoned by the sea water that noon at Seger Beach. We found what it seems as crabs, sea urchins, and some parts of small octopus. It’s all still alive and moving, hence we also busy avoiding them. While we were exploring the reef, the others are on the hill taking funny pictures of them and taking shelter.
As the night approached, we went back to Indi’s house in Praya. We used two cars to go to Sembalun village at the foot of Mount Rinjani. It’s almost midnight when we arrived in the village. But before we arrived there, the driver pulled over the car on a hill. At day time, the village can be seen from the hill. At night, we can see the sky filled with stars. It’s beautiful, but the driver forgot telling us to wear our jacket. It’s very cold. I rushed back to get inside the car.
We stayed the night at one of the locals’ house in Sembalun village. Everything is cold here: the water, the floor, the wall…except inside my red sleeping bag. Our host provided us with a glass of hot tea and a bowl of noodle before we went to bed.