September had passed without a trip. At first, I was planning for not having any trips until December due to some reasons. But I can't resist the temptation to have another challenging weekend trip out of town again. Beside, I started to get bored spending the weekend on the shopping mall and doing math. Math?? Yeaahh...that's another different story.
So, I joined my friends to go for cliff climbing and vertical caving at Siung cliff and Jomblang cave. The trip leader this time was Joko, Rita's friend who was introduced to me by Berly. Joko enforced us to practice wall climbing at Pasar Festival before the trip day. I only practiced one time and it was terrifyingly fun.
We left Jakarta on friday night by car: Joko, Rita, Rully, Deasy, Tiwi, Ahaw, Diah, Brian, Lucky and MG. Our driver was a great one who could drive in a constant rate no matter the road condition was. I wasn't able to sleep well that night. I was more interested trying to see what the driver saw in front.
We arrived in Yogyakarta in the morning. Having the morning shine while sitting in a car made me sleepy. I fell a sleep on our way from Yogya to Gunung Kidul area. I awake because there was an accident between motorcycles in front of us. Thankfully, no one had serious injury on the accident. We stopped for a moment. Some of us must go to the police office to be questioned about the accident.
Finally we arrived at Siung cliff around noon. I didn't do the climbing. Lucky tried to be a belayer while Minol did the first climbing. I was more interested exploring the beach & cliff and taking pictures. If my other friends scaled up the hill; MG, Rita and I did the otherwise: we went down to the beach through sharp rocks and plants (I didn't know the plants' name). Ery joined us as the afternoon was about to come. I was astonished to see the ocean from above the cliff. This is what I called unpredictable captivating sight. I joined climbing a cliff on the afternoon. This cliff can be scaled up without using ropes. Going up was relatively easy for me. Going down was my main problem. Seeing my pale face above, Tantowi offered ropes to Mr. Robert. But he said "no, she can do this". Arghhhhhh!! I could manage going down only with Mr. Robert's help guiding every step that I made.
We finished the climbing and photo sessions on the afternoon. Ipung, Hendrik, and X joined us. At night, Tantowi obligated all of us to practice SRT (Single Rope Technique) for rappeling and jugging. His voice explaining about something successfully made me fall asleep. It was the first time I slept in a sleeping bag. We're going for vertical caving at Jomblang cave tomorrow morning.
to be continued...
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