Once upon a time, I read an article on Kompas newspaper about Wayang Orang Bharata performance played in Jakarta. Before, I had seen the show’s pictures at my friend’s, Rita, multiply (ritasan.multiply.com). Being curious, I asked Rita to go there. She said yes, then Rinta and Haris also joined.
The performance played at 20.30. But before watching it, I went to movie theater with my other friends to watch Avatar at 18.30 in Plaza Senayan. Avatarrrr in January?? Yeah, I was very late. I left the movie theater before the movie finished because I had to catch the performance at Senen area.
I was surprised to find that the theater building is almost full (about 80% of its capacity) and the seat is quite comfortable. The performance is played in Javanesse languange. The problem was both Rita and me do not understand the language. The running text above the stage only shows the story summary in each scene. Only Rinta and Haris can understand it.
So, what Rita and I did during this beautiful non-understandable performance? This is what happened when Batak-Japan and Sulawesi-Java descendants growing up in Jakarta watch Wayang Orang that played in Javanese language: we watched it from behind the camera lense. It’s also entertaining. Since I sat on the back, I moved to the front row sitting on the floor. I spend most of the time watching the performance literally from behind the camera lense.
Even though I don’t understand the languange, the performance is entertaining. The other entertaining thing for me is how the ‘ketoprak’ (a traditional food) seller can offer his product inside the theater. At first, it seems annoying since a lot of people order the food. But then, I can smile since I also order it. And it’s relieving to see the seller so busy servicing the buyer. He must had got quite good revenue that night. Never thought of me that I won't feel sleepy at all during the three hour wayang orang performance. Was it due to the performance or the camera? Both!!
I hope the group can always deliver their great performance both to wayang orang and/or photography enthusiasts and more people watch it. Hence the group can maintain the traditional inheritance and support its members’ wealth as well, at least to make their ends meet. Is it too much to hope for?
Wayang Orang Bharata is on http://wobharata.multiply.com/.
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